Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Meet the newest member of our family....


Buddy is Drama's birthday present. Drama will be 10 this year. 10! Where did the time go?

 Buddy is a Chiwawa and Shih tzu mix so he will not get very big. He's a hit with everyone.

{Mark and I tried very hard to name him Javi, after RSL player  #11 Javier Morales, who's ankle was broken in a brutal tackle two weeks ago. But we were out voted and {not so} gracefully conceded defeat. We were told Javi could be his nickname. So, maybe I'll add his picture to the side bar with his nickname......hmmm.}


  1. E is going to freak out when he comes to visit in two weeks. This is his heart's desire: a puppy. And, that is one cute dog.

  2. He is so cute! I mean really cute. Like to die for cute. He will totally fit in with your family.
