Monday, May 24, 2010

Easter Dresses

March 28, 2010

Because Easter was on Conference weekend this year, we wore our Easter dresses to church the week before.
The babies were still getting over their colds so they stayed home (surprise, surprise!) So the Boss is in her jammies but wanted to be in the photos. . .of course!

I have the cutest kids on the block, that's for sure.

Some of you may know about my itty bitty obsession with shoes. I found these beauties just in time to call them Easter shoes. They have become my favorites. I would wear them every Sunday, but I try to spread the shoe love around my closet :) I wouldn't want any of my shoes to feel sad.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Birthday Party for Pooh Bear, or Two

Pooh Bear turned 7, May 1st. Can you believe it? 

We went to Grandma Tina's and Grandpa Phil's for the weekend to visit. Uncle Matt, Aunt Rosanna and Oliver were in town. Of course this was the weekend that the stomach flu decided to show up at our house. Poor Boss was too sick to go, so Mark stayed home with the Boss and Aria, while Drama, Pooh Bear and I went went up to Idaho. We had a party at Leo's, the best restaurant ever, the girls used to think it was Disneyland. Yea, it's that fun.

We had a cake...
And presents, of course...
Pooh Bear was supposed to have a party with her friends the next weekend but we were all too sick so it had to be moved to the next weekend. But according to all the little girls, it was so much fun.

She wanted a Movie Night Birthday Party, so we turned the house into a movie theater complete with an arcade, tickets, and prizes to buy with the tickets.

Something to hold all the prizes in...
Lots of lights to set the mood...
And more presents...
Happy Birthday Pooh Bear!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


 Breakfast today consisted of 3 Eggo Waffles with berries and two Boss sized bowls of Cinnamon Toasters cereal.

Feelin' Better.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Are We There Yet?

I has been a pretty intense couple of weeks around our house. The stomach flu made the rounds, everyone but Pooh Bear catching the dreaded virus (bonus, I lost 6 pounds but prefer not to loose any more that way). The Boss was hit hard. It turns out that both of her ears were beyond infected (can you get  beyond?) which we didn't know because she never ran a fever or showed any classic signs. So she took 3 days to "recover." Then two days later started vomiting again. So off to the doctor where he told me she "probably vomited because of the pain from the ear infections."

Hold the phone. My kid was in so much pain she vomited? Nice. My application for mother of the year just got padded a little more.

Aria's ears never responded to the antibiotic that she was on, which I didn't know because like her sister she 
I only took her back to the doctor because I got her out of the crib one morning and noticed that she was covered in a chicken pox-ish rash.
So, of course I assumed she was now dieing of an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin.The doctor is not at all concerned. Apparently it's a rare reaction to the amoxicillin, not an allergic reaction, not deadly. But her ears are still pretty bad so here's a new antibiotic prescription. This one of course kills all the good bacteria in her digestive tract, gives her diarrhea a lovely shade of red (I won't ever be able to eat red velvet cake, ever) and a wicked diaper rash.

We are slowly moving toward healthy, The Boss is not 100% yet but tonight was laughing like I hadn't heard her laugh in a while, so that's a good sign.
Oh, PS, you can come visit now if you want. Everything has been disinfected/bleached/washed in boiling hot water and I had the carpets cleaned this morning.