Sunday, December 4, 2011

Drama's Service Club

October 29, 2011

An ambitious teacher at Drama's school started a Service Club this year and Drama was very excited to be a part of it. To get into the club you had to apply. Drama had to tell about herself, her other activities and commitments and write a paragraph about why they thought they should be accepted into the Service Club. And then a parent (me) had to write a paragraph detailing their child's strengths and recommending (or not) that their child be accepted into the club.

As part of the club they have to serve a certain number of hours per quarter. Once a week Drama stays late after school to help a teacher with whatever needs to be done, tutoring, correcting homework, random errands, etc. They also meet after school once a month as a club to discuss how things are going, upcoming service projects, etc. One Saturday in October they all met together for a team building conference at the school. As part of the conference they, of course, had a service project planned. They were all asked to bring one of their old backpacks and as much food as they could manage. Here in Utah there are some kids that only eat at school. They get a hot breakfast and lunch but have no food at home. Kids that don't have food in their cupboard can go to their school's office and pick up a backpack that had a package of crackers and a can of tuna fish (or similar) and take it home for the night so they have something to eat that evening. Here is the pile of backpacks and food that the club collected that morning to help feed hungry kids.

They also put together alphabet books for children in other countries, had motivational speakers, played some team building games and ate lunch together. One of the motivational speaking groups were the guys that make the "Kid History" videos. If you haven't seen them they are hilarious, go here to laugh pretty hard. They were nice enough to stick around afterwards and sign autographs for the kids and take pictures with them. I was helping with the lunch so I was around to take some pictures of Drama with the guys. 


One of the Service Club girls inquired if this cute boy had a girlfriend! 

I love the Service Club and that Drama loves being a part of it. It's such a great experience for her. I am so grateful that the teachers at her school are so amazing. Not only do they put in all the hours teaching, preparing lessons, grading homework, etc., etc., etc, but they are willing to mentor students in great activities like this one and give up so much more of their time and talents to help the kids learn how to be great people! Thank you teachers, we love you here at our house!

1 comment:

  1. What a great service project. There are more children than people realize going without food at home. This is a great experience for her.
