Monday, July 27, 2009

Lehi Rodeo Days - All Horse Parade

June 25, 2009This is a big deal around here in Lehi. Families with little kids, like ours, and families with all teenagers come out to this parade every year. This year it was chilly (just like the rest of June) and started to rain just as the parade was ending, but it was still a lot of fun!

They were all smiles...Waving at the Rodeo Princesses...
Next year the girls (the older ones anyway) will be old enough for the Round up Rodeo! Ye-ha!


  1. Baby Aria doesn't get to mutton-bust?! Unfair!

  2. Amy- I had no idea you are in Lehi. I actually work at the Legacy Center as a gymnastics coach!!! We needs to get together. -amanda oborn bush
