February 1 & 2, 2012
According to Drama, "If you want to pass the 5th grade, you have to do a science project for the science fair."
All of January was devoted to working on Drama's science project. The very day that the packet came home in her homework folder she wanted to get right to work. We mulled over a couple of ideas until she finally decided to test the "Up Theory." She wanted to find out how many balloons it would take to lift her up into the air.
It was a fun project and she did most of the work {except for tying all the balloons, that was my job}. Here is her write up...
Up, Up and Away!
I wanted to see if balloons could lift me up into the air in real life. Here is how I accomplished it.
First, I learned about helium. Then I built a scale model of me.
I had to see how much one balloon could lift. I had to measure every balloon as we filled it with helium so that they held the same volume. The balloons were all about 30 inches in circumference.
To start the experiment, four small washers were weighed. These four washers weighed 0.1 ounce and one balloon was able to lift the four small washers. Next, two big washers were weighed together. They weighed 0.1 ounce and one balloon could lift the two big washers.
Following this, a stuffed animal named Leo was weighed at 3.0 ounces. It took 23 balloons to fully lift Leo off the scale.
A giant chocolate kiss was weighed next. The kiss weighed 7.1 ounces and took 65 balloons to lift off the scale.
Finally, it was time for a 1/145th scale model of me. This model weighed 8.5 ounces and it took 77 balloons to fully lift it.
After we finished the experiment, we recorded all of the data from the experiment. We recorded how much each object weighed, and how many balloons it took lift the object.
We also calculated how many balloons it might take to lift the objects in the experiment. After we found out how much weight one balloon could lift we used that data to calculate how many balloons it would take to lift Leo, the kiss, the scale model of me, and to actually lift ME.
It would be fun to be floating in the air, hanging from balloons, soaring with the birds. Could this really happen to be soaring with the birds and how many balloons would it take? Yes, it could happen in real life. I calculated it would take 12,320 balloons to lift me off the ground. Based on the data from our experiment the actual number of balloons needed to lift me may be lower than we calculated. Wouldn't you want to be soaring in the air with the birds?
At the Fair
She created graphs and a fantastic chart. 12,320 balloons! That is a lot of balloons and a lot of helium! She did a fabulous job on her experiment but the best part is how much she loved doing the work, the experiment, the write up, and the graphs and charts! {But then I already knew she was super smart and amazing!}
It turned out great, what a great learning experience!