Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Laptop dies in horrific accident. . .

Monday night at around 8 pm, Amy Van Horn's shiny laptop passed over to the other side in a horrific accident. Not much is know about what exactly happened but at the time of death Amy was trying to make a photo book of her three adorable girls and we believe the laptop my have gotten jealous and just given up all hope. A viewing will be held at the "My Hard Drive Died and Took All My Work Files with It Funeral Home". Then the laptop will be cremated and interned at the “I Couldn’t Have Died at a Worse Time Laptop Cemetery.” Donations in lieu of flowers are being accepted at all Zion’s Banks. Ask for the “Poor, poor, Amy Van Horn, What Are You Going to Do Now” Fund.


  1. Sad Day. I'm sorry for your loss.

  2. Bummer. I am rockin' a 5 year old laptop. Every day it fired up is a good day. But, sorry about your loss.

  3. All your work files? What about your photos? I'm so sorry! I hate to mention this word but did you have backup?

  4. update,all other hardware components have test fine, other than hard drive. Believe the partition has corrupted. I have removed it and inserted it into a USB enclosure and plugged it into my computer. HD recognized, but can not open. Using a nice little tool (http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk) to copy files off. If it works, then we may need to donate to this nice freeware application. Keep crossing the fingers!

  5. Computer restored with all essential documents saved. Now all Amy has to do is reinstall all her apps and she will be back in business.

    Hard Drive seems to be fine, there was a screw that was supposed to hold it in and keep it connected that fell out so I am assuming the HD became partially disconnected while in use which caused the drive to corrupt. Backed it up, screwed it back in, formated, reinstalled Windoze and back in business.

  6. Congrats on getting your computer back. We had a very close call with our terminal server which has the last 15 years of work files on it. It kept getting a blue screen, very scary. I of course had not done a back-up since March of this year. My sister-in-laws wonderful brother came to save the day. But I did get a stern talking to and he said that he would not help me out anymore. I hope he was kidding.

    Like your mother said, back it up.....
